I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Saturday, October 6, 2012


We met on the track at the high school by my house. I was going for a "workout" (if anyone could call the way I slug around a workout!) on the track since it is flat. I totally forgot about the group that runs on Saturday mornings being there. David, the leader of the group, shouted at me from the track. As I made my way down the bleachers to greet him, I saw a man in a blue shirt that made his piercing eyes look even more stunning. He was laughing at something, and his eyes crinkled up in the corners. I quickly decided to ignore him as I was afraid I'd end up on my face.

David talked me into doing my "warm up" laps with him. "C'mon, we'll just do two laps" he said, probably not realizing that I was thinking two laps may be the extent of my workout. During our slow plod around the track, David filled me in on how everyone was running, and how this new guy came out and how great he was. After the two laps, I was seeing double and begged off. As I gasped for air, I caught sight of those eyes again, sitting on the bleachers. "Come meet Mike", said David, heading in their direction before I could respond.

The short story is that an hour and a half flew by faster than it should have.
An hour and a half. 
(A person can do a lot in an hour and half. Stuff like get a massage, wash and dry a load of laundry, play Scrabble, paint a room, clean the bathroom, visit a museum, take a bath, take a yoga class,change your oil, get a haircut...)

When I finally got home, I couldn't stop grinning.
When David mentioned Mr. Blue Eyes' name on bookface, my grin grew. When Mr. Blue eyes sent me a friend request, I about peed myself. When he sent me a message, I dropped my phone. When he asked me to dinner, I ran around the house screaming like a high school girl. And then I pulled myself together and met him for dinner in under 45 minutes. 
After the restaurant closed, we sat on the back of my truck, talking, until three in the morning. The only thing that caused me to go home was the promise of a date the following morning.

I have been stumbling around in a state of ridiculous bliss since that Saturday.

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