I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So I'm all "running with my sister is the best thing ever! I'm gonna do this every day!!"
And then Christmas happened.
My Christmas, full of children's laughter, a tree that threatens to fall over, friends dropping by to spend the day (and also fixing my brother in law's brakes(!)), making new friends, fixing and eating amazing food, flew by in a blur so fast I almost missed it.
My sister and nieces and I managed to get in a short walk Christmas night after everyone left. Starry and quiet, the girls ran ahead of us on the sidewalk, marveling at lights in their neighbors' yards as my sister and I concocted our next moves, enjoying the cool night air.

What came out of that walk should be fun.
This 30/30 thing could be amazing!

We walked around the Getty Villa yesterday, and all I can say is WOW. The collection of Greek and roman art is amazing!!
Also: I could live there. I mean, really. In fact, why hasn't the porter brought my bags up yet?

And then there was shopping.
Which was out of control. 
My sister played human Barbie with me, which resulted in getting stuck in a zillion designer dresses and wearing things I would never put on because they are a zillion dollars (who wears $2000 dresses?!) and I would be afraid of spilling red wine on them. 
Then again, I am in LA, so I wouldn't have to eat, so there's that.
Trying on zillions of dresses is a workout!
A workout with punishment of literally getting zipped up in the dress if you are not just the right size.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Sister time!

Gah! I can't believe I was here 4 days before my sister and I ran together!
But we did run. And it was awesome.
I've missed it (and her) SO much!
Yesterday we ran, bumping elbows until our bodies became used to the other's presence. It was as though we were drawn together, out of missing each other, or needing physical contact.
It was one of my favorite runs. Ever.
Not because we were consistently on the verge of getting lost, not because we may or may not have stolen plucked a lemon from someone's tree and spent blocks laughing about stuffing it down out shirts. (Namely how hilarious it would look jutting out from my excuse for tits.)
It was my favorite run because it was just my sister and I. No crying kids or barking dogs. No phones or excuses. My real sister. Not the one who is always keeping her family together, smoothing wrinkles, making it all OK, (she is really good at all of these things. Sometimes annoyingly so), but the real one. The wickedly funny, irreverent, loving, smart, kind, thoughtful, warm sister that I know and love.
With every step, even as our breathing became labored, it was amazing to watch her breathe. To let go of thoughts of how she thought she "should" be and just be. 
Seeing that allowed me to breathe, too. 

This morning, when we snuck out for a run, my little sister appeared, excited and nervous at the same time. As we ran up and down streets in the early morning light, laughing (because that is what we do), telling stories, sharing memories, I was reminded a jillion times over how amazing she is as a sister, a mother, friend and all around awesome human being. (I'm sure she's great at other stuff, too, (like daughter and wife), but I know nothing of these.) And, yes, you totally want to know her.
In a few days she will have a birthday. And like a fine wine....
I hope she knows how amazing she is.
Even if she does bump my elbow.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

30/30, v.2

Did I mention that yesterday was one of those days where things don't exactly go as planned?
Yeah, well...
My sister and I had planned on going to the gym, then doing some shopping... 
9 a.m. found us at the walk-in clinic with her oldest, who spent the entire night coughing. (Poor girl has bronchitis.) We made an appointment for my brother- in- in law, who has a man cold. And then... And then.... And then it was noon before I got the run in.

But I did run.
And it was glorious. Perfect weather. 
Actually, it was a bit like running in Florida. But drier.
As I was running down perfectly manicured sidewalks (take note, Atlanta! They were perfect. No breaking of faces here; people pay too much for them to risk it, I guess), I was whacked in the face with... 
wait for it...
a lime. 
This place is nuts.

So I'm having this great run, and then I look down at my watch.
And realize I'm running along at my 5k race pace.
Could all of my runs be like this? Please?!

Aaand then I got lost. On an out and back route. 'Cause I'm smart like that.
I can't remember what my sister's house number is and everything looks the same. 
And yet so completely different from anything east coast.
I kept thinking I'd see her car, something that stood out.... And then I'd get lost staring at palm trees, dodging lime trees, and wondering if that white iron fence was before or after her house. Or was it that other white iron fence that I'm looking for?

Love, Dumbass.
(A.K.A. Yours Truly)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Like I am a pirate. Yarrg.
Me has no posts since, like, forever.

But then, life kicked me in the ass. 

I will spare you the details and say I've been under a rock.

School ended (thankfully!!) and I've been a busy bee all week.
My best friend came in town from Baltimore this past week (awesome!) and I (as of Monday morning) am in L.A. visiting my sister!!!!! 
Things are looking up.

So, L.A. for 10 days. 
Which means no boot camp for 10 days.
I decided last week that I need to put more energy into my running, and more miles on my feet. Happily, boot camp has led to faster leg turnover with less energy.
I spoke with someone at the Georgia Marathon pace run Saturday who is doing 30 in 30. That is, he plans on exercising 30 minutes a day for 30 days in January. (He has one free day.)
Word on the street is that b.c. will only be two days a week at Piedmont next month. Which leaves lots of room for running. So this 30/30 thing may be just the answer to re-energize my exercise routine. 

I am quasi- test driving this idea in L.A. with lots of walking today.
Walking around the Getty Museum.

Seriously, can I exercise every day for 30 days?