I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Like I am a pirate. Yarrg.
Me has no posts since, like, forever.

But then, life kicked me in the ass. 

I will spare you the details and say I've been under a rock.

School ended (thankfully!!) and I've been a busy bee all week.
My best friend came in town from Baltimore this past week (awesome!) and I (as of Monday morning) am in L.A. visiting my sister!!!!! 
Things are looking up.

So, L.A. for 10 days. 
Which means no boot camp for 10 days.
I decided last week that I need to put more energy into my running, and more miles on my feet. Happily, boot camp has led to faster leg turnover with less energy.
I spoke with someone at the Georgia Marathon pace run Saturday who is doing 30 in 30. That is, he plans on exercising 30 minutes a day for 30 days in January. (He has one free day.)
Word on the street is that b.c. will only be two days a week at Piedmont next month. Which leaves lots of room for running. So this 30/30 thing may be just the answer to re-energize my exercise routine. 

I am quasi- test driving this idea in L.A. with lots of walking today.
Walking around the Getty Museum.

Seriously, can I exercise every day for 30 days? 

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