I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Proof women are capable of saving money

We have been planning on painting a mural in our son's room. Like a "Hey! You have an aquarium in your room and it takes up the whole wall!" kind of mural.

I found a muralist whose work I adore, and she was going to paint this fantastic design on canvas and mail it to us...
I finally got pricing back today.

Me: "Honey, I just saved us almost $10,000."
Mike: "WHAAAT?!?!"
Me: "Yeah. I just heard back from the mural people. I called and asked about pricing for several different canvases. One was 8 x 12, the other was 6 x 10. The bigger one was 9000 something in the smaller one was 6000 something. They had another option: 5' by 8' for $2500."
Stunned silence.
Me: "I think I'm going to paint our mural."
Mike: "Uhhhh.... Yeah.... I was thinking we would pay somebody 500 bucks to paint directly on the wall..."
Me: "Great! You can pay me!"
He fails to see the humor. Or he is still trying to collect his jaw from the floor.

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