I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Brain fry

Hello, friends.
It has been a minute. I think my brain rolled off my head, onto the floor and right out the door. Yes, like the  meatball.

Remember this?

My drug of choice: nursing school.
Papers, tests, clinical hours, reading.... I can't finish all the reading. There aren't enough hours. Don't get me wrong, it is awesome. Especially since I've seen some very cool things in the hospital: a patient with an LVAD (a mechanical pump for his heart); I took care of a guy who the nursing team in the ICU didn't think would make it through the night (and saw him leave two weeks later!); I started my first IV and foley; I saw a pacemaker put in (the patient was awake and making jokes)... This rotation has been so amazing. 
Except for last night.
I won't talk about what happened in the ER last night.
Mostly because it resembled a certain scene from The Exorcist.
So maybe it was amazing in its own way.

But seriously.
I've been too busy to think about how badly my body hurts to even think about whining about it on a blog. Also? I have no brain cells left. (see fried egg picture above.)

But it does hurt.
Especially after yesterday. 
Who knew I could kick my own ass by sprinting??

Also, crying about how broken I am while I'm supposed to be encouraging others seems... wrong.

Except for today.
Today I am crying on the inside because my hammies hurt. Like can't walk (never mind run, which is what I wanted to do today) kind of hurt.

Someone pass me a box of Kleenex, please.

1 comment:

  1. reaching the longest go go gadget arm there ever was all the way from California to pass you a tissue. i love you, big sis.
