I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Friday, November 25, 2011


I can not fully express my excitement or gratitude right now.
I am ridiculously excited because...
drum roll please...
I'm going to Cali to visit my sister!!!!!!!

Insert Temple of Doom heart removal scene in reverse. As in, the heart goes back in. 
It is then filled with joy. No, not the soap. The emotion is more viscous- at least in my mind.

So I was talking to someone the other day about how I constantly have these odd fantasies of alternate realities. For example, when I'm in a crowded place and frustrated about it, I love imagining everyone doing the dance to Thriller. I also have these Ally Mcbeal moments where I imagine something totally inappropriate/ impossible....

But I digress....
I'm going to Calli!!!!
I'm gonna run in the sun and put my arms around the necks of my nieces. I'm so excited I could pee. 
But you know I won't. 'Cause that would just be awkward. 
Plus, I'd have to clean it up, and I am too tired. (How's that for lazy?)
So now "all" I have to do is get through this semester.
Then... and I totes forgot to mention this awesomeness.... have fun with my best friend when she comes to town to get her fancy paper (AKA PhD). There will be running, eating, laughter, and beer, guaranteed.

And then.... 

Did I mention that I'm excited?'Cause I think maybe I am.
Just a little.

So this is maybe not the Thanksgiving post you were expecting. It's not exactly the one I was expecting to write. I was thinking I'd mention something about how I am thankful for the opportunity to wake my sorry ass up before the crack of dawn to face a punishing workout in the freezing cold. Only it's not freezing cold. Yet. I thought about how I'd say I had to run uphill, both ways, in the snow, to get to boot camp (except that's a bold faced lie, which I hear is not nice). I thought about how I'd write about how thankful I am for my health, for the ability to run, and for sunrise.

Instead, you get
(Insert Pauly Shore laying on his belly, swimming freestyle in the dirt.) 

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