I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

TRX: day 1

Sorry. HAD to be done.
Specifically, the "Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" part.

Because that's what I thought when I first saw the nylon ropes of TRX hanging from the playground equipment.

Or was it this?

Oh, yes. It was this.

Because everyone loves to crank GNR at 5 am. 

(OK. I realize that after warm ups, it was really more like 6, but I got up at 4:45 (!!!) and have to give some cred to the 5 o'clock hour! Sides, it's not like I was any more awake...)

So yeah... TRX. 
That shit was fun!
(I'd have pics, but my phone doesn't exactly like taking pics that show up as anything in the dark. Sorry.)

I like the idea of doing an exercises  then running to another area to do ab bridge/ butterfly kicks/ core work/ bicycles/ sprints/ crunches/ more core work/ rowboats/ twists / sit ups/ scissor kicks/ did I mention we did core work?

I hear that I will be sore tomorrow.

Cray- Cray, don't you know I'm sore NOW?!?!

So, yeah, TRX. 
It looks like something my 10 year old self would have loved to grab and swing from. And I guess there was some swinging... I mean.. nothing. I really liked that I was able to stretch while strengthening. Take lunges, for example. One steps forward and does a lunge, but but pushes the arms up and overhead, stretching out the core and arms. 

It was glorious. 

Once we all know what the heck is going on, I think we'll be able to spend more time doing the exercises instead of staring at the instructor in confusion. 

What's that you say? I'm the only one that did that?
Well, you've gotta know it takes me for-ev-or (said a la "The Sandlot") to catch on to proprioceptive techniques/ activities. That's why I run, remember?

Anyhoo, point is, I will do this again.
Also? I did not fall on my face/ need a mat underneath me during TRX exercises.
That is all.

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