I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Boot camp belly

It has dawned on me that I should prolly put some pics on here to monitor my progress.
This means pictures of me on the interwebs. 
Er, nearly naked.


Don't be blinded by my whiteness, people.

I maybe have one too many food babies up in there.

It's clear that there is no six pack involved. 

No, wait. 

There are lots of six packs involved. 

1 comment:

  1. GIRL. You've got awesome ayyyabs. TRUST. I seen 'em. And don't worry--they won't require 4am wakeup calls and daily strategic chunders to get em back. Be patient, run, bc, and you'll get there. And then I'll cry, and be ever more in awe of you, my gorgeous big sis. loveyou.
