I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Monday, June 27, 2011

I Am A Runner.

I am a runner. 
This does not automatically mean I am fast or that I have run a marathon or that I run every day.
Because I am not/ have not/ do not.

It does mean that I put one foot in front of the other at a pace where conversation is no longer comfortable.

I run in the rain.

I run in the heat.

I run in the cold.

No. Not like that.
I run in the cold.

Sometimes I run with other people.
Sometimes I run alone.
I run because I am happy. 
I run because I am not.

I've run through strange neighborhoods, my parents splitting up, my dad's death, break-ups, job losses, weddings, funerals, friends and family moving away. 

The first few runs after your running buddies move away blow big, fat donkey balls, btw. I know because this just happened. My heart is broken, and I am lost. I can hardly slow down long enough to think about it. Because then I'd have to think about it.

I run because I don't know what else to do. Running has been a constant in my life since forever.(A.K.A. shortly after I learned how to walk.)

Mostly, I run because I can.

All of this said, we ran in bc this morning. Down Peachtree Road, front to back like army ants in the pre-dawn light. This group of people that I know almost nothing about (because I am SO friking out of breath speech is impossible. plus it's stupid early), but have been working out with for a minute, is REALLY amazing. 

I am a runner, but they kick my ass. 
Every. Day. 
They inspire me to become a better version of myself. Just like a running buddy.


  1. All of my running buddies are pregnant or moving away. Can we adopt each other? And, this post made my cry happy tears.

  2. Marti-
    Adopt? Mais oui! Consider it done.
