I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Thursday, September 8, 2011


Y'all, it feels like it has been for-ev-or since I've been here.

I went on a running date. And it was awesome.
I went on a trail run. And it sucked. 
What the what?! 
I know. I didn't think it was possible either.
Evidently my foot wasn't happy after/ about the Superman that I took a week ago. Whatevs.
Another session of boot camp started.
And yours truly missed it.

'Cause I was on the psych ward at my local hospital.

I admit, it's just fun to say.
Clinicals start too darn early this rotation to make it to bc every day. Which is destroying me. How am I supposed to become un-hippopotamus- ified if I am expected to do this alone?

So now that it's Thursday...
I finally got to go to get my early exercise on.
And do you know what happened? 
I totally forgot about everything outside of the delicious fartlek exercises.
(Hee-heee. Kate said fartlek.)
Thank you exercise for taking my mind off my life!
My muscles burned with an inner fire. My legs were doing that Parkinsonian tremor thing after a minute of air chair/ wall sit/ fuck my thighs are burning/ whatever torture you want to call this exercise. And running up hills? Backwards? You have got to be kidding me. Wait. You want me to do what? Again?!

It went on like this all morning.
And I still feel like a hippopotamus.

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