I'm not sure I can do a push-up.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

There are mornings

There are mornings and there are mornings.
Today was one of them.


Only this morning as 12 of us stood bleary eyed on the sidewalk counting the instructors

time out.
 (this counting instructors thing is a game we like to play. (what can I say? it's the little things.) 
in this game we play when we see a lot of instructors, we assign an instructor to a boot camper. 
today we realized that three of us would have to share. we're cool with that.)
time in

and wondering what sort of medieval torture they had in store for us today (because it was not TRX. (sad face, I know!)), I began to think about what an amazing support system our instructors are. 

This support system became more important as we learned about the workout. Can I just say that there is NO WAY I could have done half of what I did today without their support?
I mean, how does one make running between cones interesting the fifteenth time?
They challenge me- all of us- with every step.

Coach Silly Fast, Coach Socks, Coach Closet Sadist, Coach Where does that speed come from and how can I get it, Coach Cheerleader, Coach I know how to push you to the edge of breaking... 
You guys are fan-freaking-tastic.
You kicked my ass. 

And mother heifer! 
I totes almost forgot! (Actually, I'd really like to forget!)
I was reminded of why I like running this morning.

Agility drills.
That shit was just funny. 

We know jumping is not exactly my strong point. 
Hippopotami (or hippopotamuses, take your pick) don't jump. 
Seriously, they don't.
So why the hell ya wanna make me jump through hoops (literally)? 
Dyyying over here!
20 steps on a ladder (on the ground, not up). Repeat
20 double steps on a ladder. Repeat
20 sideways grapevine-esuqe steps on a ladder. Repeat
Repeat all of these some more.
Hop through hoops.
Win award for being most un-coordinated.

Ummmmm.... yeah.

That effing ladder was like the penultimate in ADHD torture- and waaay too early in the morning.
I'm searching for the rhythm, I find it, and... 
Oh, look at that! 
What the hell? 
Toe pick! 
I find the rhythm... 
Oh look! The ladder has a pattern!
What the ef?!
What are my arms doing?
Faster arms?
Toe pick!
Oh, crap! There's someone behind me.
Gotta go...
I find the rhythm...
Hey! I think I see a...
Toe pick!

How in hell did the guys not burst out laughing?

And that is why I run.
It's all I can handle.

Now, if I could find some people to run right beside me through life and keep me as  focused and encouraged as the coaches this morning...

I might make it through the rest of today.

1 comment:

  1. and it's posts like these that make being on the instructor side of things so worthwhile... seriously! (thanks, Kate!)
